Project I: Development and validation of a performance-oriented assessment for prospective EFL teachers: Feedback on writing

In the English sub-project, an action-oriented assessment format for English teacher training is being developed and validated. Up to now, classical oral and written examination formats have been used in teacher training, but these do not adequately capture the action-oriented competences of the learner-teacher interaction. One such situation that frequently occurs in practice is the feedback conversation, for example in the competence area of writing.
The competence of writing in a foreign language is interpreted as a process in the Common European Framework of References (CEFR) and in the educational standards (cf. Porsch, 2020, 69). Compared to a product orientation, with exclusive feedback on final texts, a recursive process approach with several drafts is also considered more conducive to learning (cf. Lee, 2017, 14). According to the syllabi of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, learners should also be given "feedback that accompanies the learning process" (MSB, 2019, 36) in addition to summative feedback. Also in the Standards for Teacher Education: Educational Sciences of the KMK, it is formulated that in the competence area of assessment: "Prospective teachers recognise individual learning situations and use special support options" (KMK, 2019, 11). In doing so, graduates should also use different forms of guidance according to the situation and distinguish between guidance and assessment functions (cf. KMK, 2019, 12). Empirically, however, it has been shown that the approach of the writing process does not play a significant role in teaching (cf. Porsch, 2020, 78). Thus, in the specifications of teacher training and teaching, a focus on formative, process-oriented feedback can be identified, especially in the competence area of writing, which is currently not sufficiently taken into account in practice. This discrepancy points to a need for further development in teacher training.
The aim of the project is to develop a performance test that adequately tests these action-oriented feedback competences. Through the development of a performance test and its subsequent use, development potentials for English teacher training are to be shown, also taking positive washback into account.
First, based on previous findings, criteria for effective feedback that promotes learning are established. Based on this, the actual performance test is developed in accordance with the preliminary work in medical and physics didactics (cf. e.g. Kulgemeyer & Tomczysyn, 2015). In a cross-sectional study with student teachers, the procedure is tested in videographed settings. This will be followed by a validation of the performance test, including expert interviews and student surveys.
Kulgemeyer, C. & Tomczyszyn, E. (2015). Physik erklären – Messung der Erklärensfähigkeit angehender Physiklehrkräfte in einer simulierten Unterrichtssituation. Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Naturwissenschaften, 21 (1), 111–126.
Kultusministerkonferenz (KMK). (2019). Standards für die Lehrerbildung: Bildungswissenschaften.
Lee, I. (2017). Classroom Writing Assessment and Feedback in L2 School Contexts. Springer Singapore.
Ministerium für Schule und Bildung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (MSB). (2019). Kernlehrplan für die Sekundarstufe I Gymnasium in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Englisch.
Porsch, R. (2020). Fremdsprachliches Schreiben in der Schule lehren. Fremdsprachen Lehren und Lernen, 4 (1), 67–82.