
Die Forschung auf dem Gebiet der sonderpädagogischen Förderung und Inklusion ist facettenreich und umfasst ein breites Spektrum. Von der Grundlagenforschung bis zur spezifischen anwendungsorientierten Forschung gehen die Forschenden Fragen in den Förderschwerpunkten Emotionale und soziale Entwicklung, Lernen und Sprache sowie in den Fachdisziplinen Bildungswissenschaften, Deutsch, Englisch, Kunst, Mathematik, Musik, Psychologie, katholische und evangelische Religion, Sachunterricht und Sport nach. Zudem befassen sich die Forschenden gemeinsam in der Arbeitsgruppe Vernetzung in der Forschung und Forschungsstrategie mit übergeordneten Fragestellungen.


Increasing digitisation is changing the demands of modern teacher education. In December 2019, a new framework – called the „Paderborner Rahmenkonzept“ - defined important digitalisation-related competencies for teacher education at UPB. The framework has already been integrated into the examination regulations during the reaccreditation in 2022.

So far, however, there is a lack of an evaluation instrument that evaluates the implementation of the „Paderborner Rahmenkonzept“. To achieve this, we develop innovative formats to be implemented into teacher education courses. Furthermore, we develop an evaluation instrument that takes into account  the various facets of the framework at the level of teaching courses. Following a design-based research approach, we focus on creating transfer potential as well as ensuring quality assurance.

The project will show possibilities and ways to put the existing theoretical framework into practice in teacher education courses. Furthermore,  changes in the implementation are to be assessed. The teaching formats developed will serve as an innovative example for other teachers who are faced with similar demands. We focus on designing a product that strengthens the implementation of the framework and makes it evaluable.

Scientific contact: Prof. Dr. Rebekka Schmidt

Further project team members: Prof. Dr. Uta Häsel-Weide, Prof. Dr. Claudia Tenberge

Funding: Stifterverband - Curriculum 4.0

Duration: 2021-2023

[Translate to English:]

Das BMBF-Verbundprojekt hat sich zusammen mit Kolleg*innen der Universität Bielefeld zum Ziel gesetzt, inklusive Bildung von Kindern durch eine ressourcenorientierte und förderbezogene Diagnostik von Lehrkräften zu verbessern. Insbesondere die fachbezogenen Potentiale des Sachunterrichts sollen hierbei genutzt werden.


The joint research project aims at improving inclusive science education for children through resource-oriented and support-related diagnostics of teachers. It is conducted together with colleagues from Bielefeld University. In particular, the subject-related potentials of primary science education are one major focus of the project.

In the beginning, video vignettes are used to identify the initial subject-related competences of primary science teachers. The results are used to provide professional development modules for pre- and in-service teachers. These modules are examined  and modified in a circular approach. Based on this, theory-practice analysis tools are provided for the first and third phase of teacher education. In the last phase, we will evaluate competence development of in-service teachers.

Further project participants: Education authorities of Herford, Bielefeld, Paderborn and Gütersloh

Scientific contact: Prof. Dr. Eva Blumberg, Prof. Dr. Brigitte Kottmann

Funding: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (Förderkennzeichen 01NV2126A9)

Duration: 2022-2024

For further information please click here.



The digital simulation GEProS aims to support pre-service teachers in developing their diagnostic competence. To this end, students work in a self-regulated manner in the digital learning environment on problem-based learning tasks. They take the role of a 6th grade teacher, collect information about their students, e.g., with the help of report cards and workbooks, observe the students in classroom scenarios, conduct parent interviews, and form a diagnostic judgment about individual students on the basis of this various information. Some of the virtual students show symptoms of a psychological disorder such as dyslexia, ADHD or a depressive episode, to enable pre-service teachers to train how to handle symptoms such as these in students.


Scientific contact: Lea Grotegut

Funding: GEProS was initially funded by the project "Heterogeneity as an Opportunity: Setting the Course in Crucial Phases of the Student-Life-Cycle (Heterogenität als Chance: Weichen stellen in entscheidenden Phasen des Student-Life-Cycles )", which was supported in its entirety by funds from the federal-state program "Qualitätspakt Lehre".

For further information please click here.


Due to the lack of teachers in primary schools, an increasing number of teachers from other disciplines or levels are teaching primary mathematics. Therefore, these teachers often do not have profound subject-specific professional knowledge. Hence, there is a need for professional training in this group of teachers, e.g. difficulties with the strategy of counting numbers.

Tranferring counting numbers into developing imagination-based arithmetic strategies is a complex process. Stimulating and accompanying this process requires a high level of professional expertise of teachers, e. g. the diagnosis and facilitation of students‘ learning on the basis of adequate subject-specific and pedagogical content knowledge.

Therefore, the project LeA focusses on developing and providing further educational training for non-specialist teachers (in cooperation with the district governments of Münster and Detmold). In addition, in-service training materials for learning in the classroom and e-learning phases are developed in collaboration with the German Centre for Teacher Education in Mathematics (DZLM). The LeA project takes into account specific learning difficulties of children, which is the research focus of the project.

Scientific contact: Prof. Dr. Uta Häsel-Weide (UPB), Prof. Dr. Karina Höveler (WWU), Prof. Dr. Marcus Nührenbörger (WWU)

Coordination: Lara Marie Graf

Funding: IPN (DZLM)

Duration: 2021-2024

Im Projekt werden nationale Studien und internationale Vergleiche zum Zusammenhang zwischen individuellen und kollektiven Selbstwirksamkeitsüberzeugungen von Lehrkräften an inklusiven Schulen einerseits sowie der instruktionsbezogenen Qualität dieser Schulen andererseits angestrebt.

Wissenschaftlicher Ansprechpartner: Prof. Dr. Harry Kullmann

Förderung: Antrag in Vorbereitung

Laufzeit: seit 2022 Vorstudie

Das MaCo-Programm hat das Ziel, mathematische Verstehensgrundlagen und Basiskompetenzen für von Lernrückständen besonders betroffene Kinder und Jugendliche der Primar- sowie Sekundarstufe I aufzuarbeiten. Hierfür bieten wir Online-Fortbildungen sowie Förder- und Unterrichtsmaterialien für Lehrkräfte, Förderkräfte und fachfremd Unterrichtende an. Darüber hinaus stellen wir für Multiplikatorinnen und Multiplikatoren Materialien für die Gestaltung eigener Fortbildungen zur Verfügung. Auf diese Weise werden im Rahmen von MaCo über alle Jahrgangsstufen hinweg, von der Primarstufe bis zur Sekundarstufe, Angebote für die Förderung der relevanten mathematischen Verstehensgrundlagen verbreitet.

Wissenschaftliche Ansprechpartner*innen: Prof. Dr. Uta Häsel-Weide (UPB), Prof. Dr. Karina Höveler (WWU), Prof. Dr. Marcus Nührenbörger (WWU)

Förderung: Gefördert durch die Bildungsministerien Berlin und Sachsen-Anhalt

Förderdauer: 2021-2023

Current surveys indicate that proportionally many more people with disabilities do not participate in sports than people without disabilities. In order to promote sports and thus secure a pool of potential young athletes in para sports, the German Association for Disability Sport carries out various measures (such as taster and talent days) to find people with disabilities and to inspire them to become involved in sports on a long-term basis. It has not yet been clarified to what extent these measures actually contribute to helping more people with disabilities to become involved in sports on a long-term basis, thereby enabling increased recruitment of talent. What is certain is that the existence of access barriers (by which is by no means meant only spatial barriers) has a detrimental effect on the pool of potentially recruitable talent for Paralympic competitive sports. The aim of the ParaTalent research project is to follow participants in such measures over a period of two years in order to investigate whether they find long-term access to organized mass or competitive sports or which barriers have hindered any drop-outs.

Scientific contact: Prof. Dr. Sabine Radtke

Funding: Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft (BISp)

Duration: 11/2022 – 10/24

For further informations click here.


''SeiP'' (Selbstinszenierungspraktiken (similar to practices of self-realisation) as access to a self-determined, multimodal competence assessment for educationally disadvantaged young people) focuses on educationally disadvantaged young people within the framework of existing differences including gender, cultural context and precariousness (migration, poverty, refugee experience) and special educational needs. Thus, the project encompasses pre-existing heterogeneities of young people at the transition from school to work. This target group is over-represented in the vocational education system within the area of vocational preparation (§1(2) as well as §68 BBiG (Vocational Training Act, Germany)). The project primarily aims to develop support-oriented competence assessment which, in our opinion, requires a strength- and resource-oriented approach that can be integrated into everyday life. We deliberately place the principles of self-control/self-determination at the centre. Multimodal instruments, meaning especially open and creative self-expression and survey formats, open up opportunities for young people to explore their strengths and particularly to make them visible. Competence assessment thereby becomes a development and learning process in itself. Teachers, trainers and employers must be supported in the documentation, reception and utilization of the results. This involves meaningful integration into learning and development processes as well as subsequent processing for transition processes to training and employment - thereby enabling occupational participation. The project systematically incorporates suitable conceptual frameworks which are tested in practical contexts. Starting from a design-based research and development approach, an arena for innovation (Kremer 2014) will be instituted that brings together academic expertise, practice partners, network partners and transfer partners. Alongside the project, conditions of success are systematically identified, which in turn are incorporated into the development of a prototype rooted in academic research. This is accompanied by the professionalization of the actors involved through collegial training that enables a multiprofessional reappraisal of the understanding of the pre-existing disadvantages, participation and involvement of young people in the transition from school to work.

Scientific contact: Prof. Dr. H.-Hugo Kremer, Prof. Dr. Desirée Laubenstein

Coordination: Dr. Heike Kundisch

Funding: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (Funding indicator: 01NV2122A)

Duration: 01.01.2022 – 31.12.2024

Further information: